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Business Activities

Global Energy & Mechatronics

As a trading company of the NYK Group, the NYK Trading Corporation has been gaining traction at home and abroad in both the petroleum energy business and the mechatronics (mechanical instrumentation) business as a way of starting to use marine equipment. We would like to constantly meet the needs of the times without being tied to business models of the past. Our slogan is Global Energy & Mechatronics. We will continue to develop a variety of services in both energy and mechatronics.

Business Areas

Livng Industries Group

Main line of business


In addition to selling petroleum products such as ship fuel oil and lubricants, fuel oil for factories, and chemical products in the energy business, we are developing promptly to the new global service of green energy business such as solar power. We are expanding the business to all areas of the industry, be that land, sea, or air, in order to support the activity of people and goods.


As a technical trading company with engineering skills, we are developing the mechanical instrumentation business (mechatronics) in the field of plant instrumentation not only in the sea but on land as well. In order to realize a secure and sustainable social environment, we are expanding the business to handle the needs of the market and of customers by taking advantage of what we know so far.


The Machinery & Instrumentation Division of NYK Trading Corporation, and AMCO Engineering Corporation have obtained ISO-9001 certification.

Livng Industries

We are always re-examining business models of trading company functions to develop a variety of products for everyday life.
The construction and management of cancer insurance, medical insurance, life insurance, Italian wine and olive oil. We are expanding our business in the field in order to enrich life.